Deep Relaxation in warm water

Trust and letting go

"I was flying! And that's me, who is afraid to get on the plane, enjoyed flying in the water so much!"

Deep Relaxation in warm water
What is AquaFlow?
AquaFlow is a form of aquatic body work and has its roots in Watsu® (water shiatsu) and WATA® (Water Dance). These body works combine the healing elements of shiatsu and the fluidity and dynamic of water.
Both therapies have been developed in the 1980s. WATSU® was founded by Harold Dull in Harbin Hot Springs, California. Harold, a shiatsu therapist, started taking his shiatsu clients into the warm water applying the stretches and pressure points he would usually use on land.
WATA® originates in Switzerland, where Arjana Brunschwiler and Aman Peter Schroeter developed this more dynamic method, where the client is moved above and under water.
Zero gravity and the third dimension can be fully explored, while you dance, turn, spiral through the water. The body can move and be manipulated in much more freedom, without any resistance.
Aquaflow combines elements of both disciplines. You are gently moved through the water, carried and massaged. Floating devices help to keep you safe.
Usually only after a couple of sessions on the surface I will start immersing you in very small gentle steps. A nose clip keeps water out of the nose.
Who benefits from AquaFlow?
AquaFlow actually is for anybody who dares to spend some intense time with him- or herself.
People who want to de-stress
People who are afraid of water, and want to make peace with this fear in a self-determined yet protected way.
People who would like to increase their body awareness
People who would like to loosen chronic tensions, especially in shoulders, neck, back
People who would like to explore and extend their ability to move and being moved in a wider dimension than possible on land
Pregnant women who wish to feel carried and secure - similar like their baby in his element
Elderly or obese people who seek a gentle mobilisation of their joints and a more flexible spine
Effects of AquaFlow
AquaFlow, like any other aquatic body work benefits from the warmth of the water, the lack of gravity, the gentle water pressure and the third dimension.
The body is able to be moved and manipulated in a way that is not possible on land. Muscles loose their tension, blood circulation and cellular metablolism improve.
The breathing deepens naturally.
It releases the joints, may relieve chronic pain, and balances the body in a whole.At the same time the mind calms down and often gets into a meditative state.
You come very much into the present moment, without expectations, without pressure or goals.
How does a session proceed?
An AquaFlow session usually lasts one hour in the water.
However, allow about an hour and a half for the whole experience.
We will have a short chat before we get into the water about your ideas, expectations, etc.
Once in the water we will tune in by simply breathing and standing facing each other. If needed I will put floats around your legs. Then I put you into a horizontal position into my arms, gently move you, manipulate and hold you. There are moments of dynamic as well as total stillness.
At the end of the session I will bring you back to the edge of the pool, ground your feet back onto the floor, and give you a little head and hand shiatsu.
Then it's up to you to stay there for a while before you open your eyes. I recommend a cold shower after the session, as it helps getting properly grounded again.
You should not choose an AquaFlow session if ...
you have a perforated ear drum
you have a chlorine allergy
you have any open wounds
you suffer from fever and / or a severe cold or flue
you are in therapy because of a psychosis
you have undergone a recent surgery
suffer from uncontrolled epilepsy
you suffer from any disease or illness where warm water is a contra indication.
AquaFlow does not replace or substitute physio- or psycho-therapy.
Please consult your doctor if in doubt.
What do I need to do or bring?
You simply bring your swim suit and a towel along, shower gel or shampoo as you like.
I recommend to have some water to drink at hand after the session. The warm pool will dehydrate the body easlily.
A shower before the session is mandatory to keep the pool water crystal clear.
You do not need to "do" or "know" anything. No skills in any form are required. So AquaFlow is ideal as well for non-swimmers.

Single Session
EUR 40.00
Package of 5 sessions
EUR 180.00
Donation to ARKA per session
EUR 5.00
Gift voucher incl. donation
EUR 45.00

ARKA Foundation and Respite Centre
Triq il-Moghdija
Ghajnsielem, Gozo - Malta.
Tel+356-21 56 57 73